Dougray Scott: biography thiab Filmography

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Dougray Scott: biography thiab Filmography
Dougray Scott: biography thiab Filmography

Video: Dougray Scott: biography thiab Filmography

Video: Dougray Scott: biography thiab Filmography
Video: XOV XWM 13/04/2022 _ Meskas Ceeb Toom Suav Liab & Russia... Tsim Cuab Luaj Rhuav Tshem Hnub Qub Nyeg 2024, Lub kaum hli ntuj

Dougray Scott yog ib tug neeg ua yeeb yam ntawm Scottish qhovntsej, paub txog nws lub luag haujlwm hauv cov haujlwm xws li Lub Hom Phiaj: Impossible 2 (2000), Ripley's Game (2001), Hitman (2007), Hemlock Grove, thiab lwm yam., peb yuav tau paub txog nws biography thiab xaiv filmography.


Stephen Dougray yug hauv 1965 hauv Scotland hauv nroog Glenrothes, uas nyob hauv plawv nroog Faif. Nws kawm hauv Auchmuty High School thiab tom qab ntawd nkag mus hauv Welsh College of Music thiab Drama, qhov chaw uas nws tau ua pov thawj tias nws yog ib tug tub ntxhais kawm ntawv cog lus. Txawm li ntawd los, nws twb paub nyob rau hauv lub npe theem "Dougrey", txuam nrog lub npe ntawm nws pog.

dougray scott
dougray scott

Muaj ob txoj kev sib yuav hauv lub neej ntawm tus neeg ua yeeb yam. Nws thawj tus poj niam yog Casting Directors Guild tus tswv cuab Sarah Travis. Tab sis qee qhov lawv tsis ua haujlwm, thiab hauv 2007 Dougray Scott thiab Claire Forlani tau sib yuav hauv Ltalis. Nws muaj menyuam: menyuam ntxaib Gabriel thiab Eden los ntawm nws thawj kev sib yuav thiab tus tub Milo Thomas los ntawm nws tus poj niam tshiab.

Multi-episode pib

Tus neeg ua yeeb yam tau pib nce qib kev ua haujlwm los ntawm kev koom tes hauv kev tsim khoom ntawm National Theatre ntawm Scotland thiab cov yeeb yam menyuam roj hmab. Thiab nws tshuav nws thawj lub luag haujlwm hauv TV rau cov yeeb yaj kiab xws li "Zorro"(1990–2011), Taggart (1983–2010) thiab Lovejoy (1986–2004). Nws kuj tau tshwm sim hauv kaum ib ntu ntawm Lucy Gannon's serial drama Soldier, Soldier (1991–1997). Thiab xyoo 1994 nws tau txais lub luag haujlwm me me hauv Michael Austin's melodrama Princess Caraboo.

Tsis ntev Dougray Scott tau koom nrog Kevin Allen qhov kev ua txhaum zaj yeeb yaj kiab City of Twins (1997). Nyob rau hauv tib lub xyoo, nws starred nyob rau hauv lub melodrama Ann Gourso "Hlub nyob rau hauv Paris" (1997). Tom qab ntawd nws tau ua tus cwj pwm txhawb nqa hauv Mimi Leder qhov kev puas tsuaj zaj duab xis Deep Impact (1998). Nws ua lub luag haujlwm ntawm Tub Vaj Ntxwv Henry hauv Andy Tennant's romantic drama A Love Story (1998). Thiab, thaum kawg, nws tau txais ib lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv David Kane's comedy-drama Xyoo Kev Hlub (1999).

dougray scott tag nrho cov yeeb yaj kiab
dougray scott tag nrho cov yeeb yaj kiab

Ib lub luag haujlwm zoo tshaj plaws tos tus neeg ua yeeb yam txawm tias ua ntej nws tau koom nrog hauv kev ua yeeb yaj kiab ntawm Steve Barron ob txoj kev taug txuj kev nyuaj zaj duab xis "Arab Adventures" (2000). Tom qab ntawd Dougray tau muab rau hnub qub nrog Tom Cruise hauv John Woo tus neeg soj xyuas thriller Lub Hom Phiaj: Impossible 2 (2000). Nws ua si zaj duab xis lub ntsiab antagonist, tus tswv bioweapon Sean Ambrose. Thiab ntau txoj hauv kev, kev ua tiav nyiaj txiag ntawm daim duab yog nws qhov txiaj ntsig.

Ntau tus thawj coj

Nyob rau xyoo 2001, Dougray Scott ua si tus kws lej zoo nkauj Thomas Jericho hauv Michael Apted's thriller Enigma. Ib xyoo tom qab, ua ke nrog John Malkovich, nws starred nyob rau hauv lub thriller Ripley's Game los ntawm Liliana Cavani txog ib tug vengeful thiab ntshav swindler. Thiab tom qab ntawd nws tau txais ob lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv cov haujlwm xws li Kill the King (2003) thiab Poet (2003).

Tom ntejua raws li lub luag haujlwm ntawm tus neeg ncaws pob saum toj kawg nkaus hauv pab pawg ncaws pob hu ua Cus hauv Simon Shore's British comedy Do It Before 30 (2004). Nws ua tus kws lij choj, Archie Grey, hauv John Hay's melodrama The Whole Truth About Love (2005). Nws sim rau cov duab ntawm tus ex-tus txiv ntawm tus cwj pwm tseem ceeb hauv zaj yeeb yaj kiab txaus ntshai Dark Water los ntawm W alter Salles (2005). Thiab ib xyoos tom qab ntawd nws tau txais lub luag haujlwm ntawm Mauxes hauv Robert Dornhelm's mini-series The Ten Commandments (2006). Nws kuj tau ua Tij Laug Sulus hauv Glenn Standring cov yeeb yaj kiab txaus ntshai Perfect Creature (2006).

Dougray Scott Filmography
Dougray Scott Filmography

Los ntawm 2006 txog 2007, Dougray Scott tau koom nrog hauv kev ua yeeb yaj kiab ntawm 17 ntu ntawm Mark Cherry's comedy-drama Desperate Housewives (2004-2017). Nws ua si ib lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv kev ua yeeb yaj kiab Hitman (2007) los ntawm Xavier Jahns. Ib xyoos tom qab, nws tau tshwm sim hauv Paolo Barzman's TV thriller Dr. Jekyll thiab Mr. Hyde (2008). Thiab txog 2010, nws tau txais lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv plaub qhov haujlwm ntxiv: "Hnub ntawm Triffids" (mini-series, 2009), "New City Killers" (2008), "Diplomat" (2009) thiab "Txiv thiab Leej Tub" (mini-series, 2009)..

Yuav pom dab tsi?

Hauv xyoo 2011, Dougray Scott tau txais ntau lub luag haujlwm ib zaug. Tus neeg ua yeeb yaj kiab ua yeeb yaj kiab tau ntxiv nrog Roland Joffé cov yeeb yaj kiab biographical "Dragons nyob ntawd" hais txog tus pov thawj uas tsim lub koom haum kev ntseeg Opus Dei. Nyob rau hauv tib lub xyoo, ua ke nrog David Tennant, nws starred nyob rau hauv James Strong lub keeb kwm ua yeeb yam United. Munich xwm txheej. Thiab tom qab ntawd nws tau tshwm sim hauv James Hacking's Drama Love and Cuisine (2011), qhov chaw nws ua si qub kws ua zaub mov thiab tus tswv tsev noj mov London Rob Haley.

dougreyscott thiab claire forlani cov me nyuam
dougreyscott thiab claire forlani cov me nyuam

Nyob rau xyoo 2013, tus neeg ua yeeb yam ua si Niles York hauv Roel Rein's fantasy action movie Death Race 3: Hell. Nws yog Lewis Shaler hauv Omid Nushin's thriller The Last Passenger (2013). Ua si Norman Godfrey hauv Brian McGreevy thiab Lee Shipman's mystical thriller Hemlock Grove (2013-2015). Thiab Archie, yog ib tus neeg yos hav zoov zombie, hauv Steve Barker's post-apocalyptic horror film The Resort (2015).

luag ntxhi heev

Xyoo 2015, cov yeeb yaj kiab txaus ntshai "Vatican Tapes" tau tso tawm, uas tus neeg ua yeeb yam tau txais lub luag haujlwm txhawb nqa. Tom qab ntawd nws tau tshwm sim hauv ob ntu ntawm Fear the Walking Dead (2015 - …). Nws tau txais lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv TV series Harley thiab Davidson Cov Kwv Tij (2016). Ua si hauv tag nrho peb ntu ntawm British mini-series Changeling (2017). Nws kuj tuaj yeem pom zoo li Vic Hill, tus tub sab hauv txhab nyiaj legendary, hauv TV series Snatch (2017 - …).

dougray scott
dougray scott

Tau kawg, qhov no tsuas yog ib feem ntawm cov haujlwm uas Dougray Scott tau ua yeeb yam. Tag nrho cov yeeb yaj kiab yog cov npe ntev dua, suav nrog cov yeeb yaj kiab luv luv, tas luav, nrog rau cov yeeb yaj kiab uas tus neeg ua yeeb yam ua si me me.

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