Niaj hnub nimno artist Bocharov Sergey Petrovich: biography, creativity thiab nthuav tseeb

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Niaj hnub nimno artist Bocharov Sergey Petrovich: biography, creativity thiab nthuav tseeb
Niaj hnub nimno artist Bocharov Sergey Petrovich: biography, creativity thiab nthuav tseeb

Video: Niaj hnub nimno artist Bocharov Sergey Petrovich: biography, creativity thiab nthuav tseeb

Video: Niaj hnub nimno artist Bocharov Sergey Petrovich: biography, creativity thiab nthuav tseeb

Tus kws kos duab Lavxias niaj hnub Sergei Bocharov tau xaiv los ua nws lub tswv yim motto lub aphorism ntaus nqi rau Aristotle: "Art yog npaj rau tib neeg txoj kev xav." Txhua daim duab los ntawm tus sau no ua raws li txoj cai no.

Biography ntawm artist Sergei Bocharov

Tus kws kos duab qhov chaw yug yog thaj tsam Novosibirsk, chaw nres tsheb Bagan. Lub xyoo yug nyob rau hauv ntau qhov chaw yog qhia nyob rau hauv ntau txoj kev. Nyob rau hauv ib rooj plaub nws yog 1953, nyob rau hauv lwm yam yog 1963. Hnub yug hauv txhua kis yog tib yam - Cuaj hlis 27.

Nws txiv, Pyotr Tarasovich Bocharov, ua tsov rog hero thiab tsis siv, muaj txuj ci: nws muaj peev xwm ua tau zoo piav txog tsiaj txhu siv ib kab xwb. Yog li ntawd, tsis tas yuav nqa nws cwj mem, nws tuaj yeem kos cov tsiaj xws li nees, hare thiab swan.

Tsuas yog tom qab kawm hauv tsev kawm ntawv Bocharov Sergei tuaj yeem kawm tau zoo dua nws txiv.

bocharov sergey
bocharov sergey

leej niam pom nws tus tub txoj kev ntshaw ua ntej. Nws yog ib tug yooj yim peasant poj niam los ntawm lub collective ua liaj ua teb. Txhua txhua hnub, Lyubov Andreevna teem ib txoj hauj lwm rau nws tus tub - kos duab tshiab. Txawm nyob rau hauvNyob rau hauv nws cov me nyuam tej hauj lwm, Sergey tswj kom depict ib tug os los yog tsob ntoo nyob rau hauv ib tug natural txoj kev.

Thaum nws muaj xya xyoo, nws raug xa mus rau Yenakiyevo, qhov chaw uas nws tus phauj nyob, kom nws tuaj yeem mus koom kev kos duab ntawm lub Tsev Pioneers. Lub voj voog tau coj los ntawm tus kws qhia txuj ci Grinenko Ivan Filippovich. Los ntawm tag nrho cov tub ntxhais kawm nws tau tswj kom loj hlob ua yeeb yam.

Tom qab kawm tiav high school, Sergey Bocharov sim mus kawm ntawv qib siab hauv Simferopol College, tab sis nws tsis tuaj yeem sau cov lus txiav txim rau qhov kev ntsuam xyuas zoo, vim qhov no nws yuav tsum paub cov cai ntawm Ukrainian lus zoo.

Tsuas xyoo tom ntej, nws tau tswj kom dhau qhov kev xeem sib tw ntawm Krasnodar Art College.

Yav tom ntej, tus kws kos duab Lavxias nto moo Bocharov Sergey Petrovich txhim kho nws lub peev xwm kos duab hauv Paris studio ntawm Nadia Leger thiab Lavxias Academy ntawm Kev Ua Yeeb Yam hauv St. Tsis tas li ntawd, nws tau kawm ntawm All-Union State Institute of Cinematography.

About the artist's work

Sergey Bocharov yog ib tus kws kos duab uas tau raug caw tuaj koom ua yeeb yaj kiab ntau zaus. Nws lub npe tuaj yeem pom hauv cov qhab nia rau 18 zaj duab xis. Nws yog tus kws kos duab hauv "Stalker", "Kev Lom Zem rau Cov Hluas", "Lub Ntsiab Lus Me Nyuam" thiab ntau lwm yam yeeb yaj kiab.

Ntawm nws tej hauj lwm yog portraits, toj roob hauv pes, tseem ciaj sia. Sergey Petrovich Bocharov them nyiaj ntau heev rau easel painting, sau pab pawg neeg portraits ntawm peb lub contemporaries.

Sergey bocharov artist
Sergey bocharov artist

Tus kws kos duab no muaj lub siab tawv, muaj zog thiab khoom plig rau xim. Connoisseurs ceeb toomNws muaj kev nkag siab ntawm daim ntawv, qhov tseeb ntawm kev kos duab, muaj peev xwm ua haujlwm hauv ntau hom.

Nws tej hauj lwm yog qhov txawv ntawm qhov tseeb, cov ntsiab lus sib sib zog nqus, kev ua siab dawb siab zoo rau cov neeg Lavxias. Tag nrho cov no ua rau lawv cuam tshuam nrog kev ua haujlwm ntawm Wanderers.

Nyob rau hauv nws tej hauj lwm Sergei Bocharov tswj kom qhia tus ntsuj plig ntawm peb lub sij hawm, uas muaj nws tus kheej yuam kev. Intaglio luam tawm ntawm lub sijhawm niaj hnub no pom hauv nws daim duab.

koom nrog kev nthuav tawm txawv teb chaws

Hauv Ltalis, txhua tsib xyoos, kev sib tw thoob ntiaj teb tau tuav, qhov twg daim duab zoo tshaj plaws ntawm Venice yeej.

Bocharov Sergey tuaj rau Venice thiab nyob rau hauv peb lub hlis tau pleev xim rau ib lub canvas piav txog ib lub tsev teev ntuj ntawm Grand Canal. Nrog rau txoj haujlwm no, nws tau koom nrog hauv kev sib tw.

Nws tau raug xaiv los ntawm pawg txiav txim ua thawj tus kws kos duab qhia txog qhov chaw tshav ntuj zoo li Venice quaj.

Biography ntawm tus artist Sergey bocharov
Biography ntawm tus artist Sergey bocharov

Tus sau tau txais txiaj ntsig Grand Prix rau txoj haujlwm no. Thawj tus kws kos duab Lavxias tau txais qhov khoom plig no yog Aivazovsky.

Sergey Bocharov, uas nws cov duab muaj tsis tsuas yog nyob rau hauv tsev cia puav pheej, kuj paub sab nraum Russia. Ib txhia ntawm nws tej hauj lwm muaj peev xwm nrhiav tau nyob rau hauv ib tug txawv teb chaws exhibition los yog nyob rau hauv ib tug private gallery thiab sau los ntawm ib tug German, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Fabkis, Norwegian los yog American art collection.

duab kos

Portrait painting Bocharov feem ntau nyiam. Xyoo 1989, nws tau pleev xim rau tus vaj ntxwv Norwegian Olaf, xyoo 1987 - North Kauslim Thawj Tswj Hwm Kim Il Sung, xyoo 1989 - J. Versace thiab P. Raban, xyoo 1977 - Elton John, xyoo 1980 - Vladimir Vysotsky, xyoo 1981 - Leonid Brezhnev, xyoo 1991 - L. Pavarotti.

Ntawm no tsis yog tag nrho cov neeg uas tig los rau nws pleev xim.

Reviews about portraits

Pavarotti, ntsuas nws cov duab, hais tias Bocharov muaj cov txheej txheem pleev xim zoo nkauj thiab tus cwj pwm zoo.

Hauv nws daim duab, Pavarotti pom kev npau taws ntawm sab ntsuj plig. Nws qhia tau tias nws ua tau li cas. Tus neeg saib pom cov duab ntawm tus cwj pwm sib haum xeeb nrog kev xav thiab kev xav.

Pavarotti thov tias nws yuav tsum ua tiav qhov zoo tshaj plaws uas tau piav qhia hauv daim duab mus txog thaum kawg ntawm nws lub neej.

Vysotsky nco qab tias thawj zaug nws yuav tsum tau ua duab thaij duab. Daim duab muaj qee yam cuam tshuam rau kev ua haujlwm ntawm tus kws ntaus nkauj.

Bocharov Sergey Petrovich
Bocharov Sergey Petrovich

Tus kws kos duab tau khawb rau hauv nws, raws li Vysotsky, ua tsis yog ib qho duab zoo tib yam nkaus xwb, tab sis rov tsim dua tag nrho cov duab ntawm lub neej, ua rau tib neeg txoj kev xav ntawm nws lub neej thiab kev ua haujlwm.

Daim duab tso cai rau Vysotsky saib nws tus kheej ntawm sab nraud.

Hais txog kev ua tiav ntawm tus kws kos duab

Bocharov yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm ob lub koom haum Lavxias teb sab ib zaug - kos duab thiab xinesmas. Nws muaj peb qhov khoom plig thoob ntiaj teb Grand Prix rau nws cov haujlwm hauv Paris (1989), Venice (1991) thiab Naples (2002).

Ntxiv rau, nyob rau Fabkis xyoo 2011 nws tau txais qhov "Golden Brush" - ib qho khoom plig muaj koob npe tshaj plaws hauv ntiaj teb ntawm cov kws ua yeeb yam.

Sergey bocharov paintings
Sergey bocharov paintings

Nws tau tuav ob peb lub rooj sib tham nyob rau hauv Russia thiab txawv teb chaws.

Nws tej hauj lwm tau rov nthuav tawm ntawm Central House of Artists, ntawm Red Chambers Tsev khaws puav pheej, ntawm exhibitions ntawm Federation Council thiab lub xeev. Duma, ntawm International Trade Center, hauv Thawj Tswj Hwm Thawj Tswj Hwm.

Los ntawm 2002 txog 2004, tus kws kos duab tau mus ncig thoob plaws Siberian nthuav dav nrog nws tus kheej kev nthuav qhia, mus xyuas Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Surgut, Ishim, Tobolsk, Omsk, Nefteyugansk, Noyabrsk.

Nyob rau hauv 2001 nws tuav ib tug solo exhibition nyob rau hauv Nizhny Novgorod, nyob rau hauv 1998 thiab 2001 - nyob rau hauv Rostov. Nrog nws tej hauj lwm, nws kuj mus xyuas Yaroslavl, Ryazan, lub nroog ntawm Crimean ceg av qab teb.

Ntawm, tus kws kos duab nthuav tawm hauv Fabkis, Ltalis, Tebchaws Asmeskas, Norway.

Bocharov yog tus xibfwb ntawm kev kos duab. Nws cov lus qhuab qhia tau koom nrog VGIK cov tub ntxhais kawm, Italian thiab Austrian cov tub ntxhais hluas ua yeeb yam.

Kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm kev ua haujlwm ntawm Bocharov

Thaum qhib Bocharov's solo exhibition nyob rau hauv lub nroog ntawm Ltalis, ntau cov lus qhuas tau hnov los ntawm daim di ncauj ntawm tus naas ej zaj duab xis thawj coj F. Fellini. Nws hu ua tus kws kos duab ua piv txwv ntawm cov kws tshaj lij, ua rau cov duab kos duab niaj hnub no.

Fellini nco ntsoov tias nws nyob hauv Venice li cas, uas yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm pawg neeg txiav txim, tau pov npav rau Bocharov cov duab, thiab yog li ntawd, tus sau tau txais txiaj ntsig Grand Prix.

Venice ntawm lub canvas zoo nkauj heev nyob rau hauv lub hnub tseem ceeb, zoo li yuav quaj, uas tau kov lub siab ntawm cov tswv cuab ntawm pawg neeg sib tw.

Bocharov, raws li Fellini, tau ua txhua yam zoo tshaj plawslos ntawm Italian Renaissance artists, thiab tam sim no Italian cov hluas tab tom kawm los ntawm nws.

Artist Bocharov Sergey Petrovich
Artist Bocharov Sergey Petrovich

Tus thawj coj tau muab lub tsho rau tus kws kos duab, tau txais los ntawm nws yawg, kom Bocharov tuaj yeem qhib ntau qhov kev nthuav qhia hauv nws.

paj yeeb "Kev sib yuav tsis sib xws"

Bocharov's series ntawm paintings "Lawv" qhib nrog ib tug loj canvas hu ua "Unequal Marriage" pleev xim rau xyoo 1989.

Daim duab qhia txog Kremlin's Faceted Chamber - lub tsev ntawm huab tais lub hwj chim. Thaum koj saib nws, koj xav tias qhov chaw tawm hauv qhov tob mus rau qhov sib dhos tsim los ntawm qhov loj heev ntawm lub voj voog ntawm arches. Muaj kev sib koom ua ke ntawm lub ntiaj teb thiab lub ntiaj teb saum ntuj ceeb tsheej (paj duab).

Tus kws kos duab Bocharov Sergey Petrovich tau tsim cov qauv ntawm daim ntaub siv lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm daim duab peb sab. Nyob rau sab saum toj ntawm cov muaj pes tsawg leeg, nyob rau hauv uas lub golden-liab xim prevails, muaj ib tug duab ntawm tus Vajtswv uas muaj hwjchim tuav tus me nyuam Tswv Yexus - qhov no yog lub painting ntawm sab hauv.

Lavxias teb sab artist Bocharov Sergey Petrovich
Lavxias teb sab artist Bocharov Sergey Petrovich

Kab tom ntej no yog cov thwj tim ntawm Khetos - cov thwj tim. Qhov thib peb tau sau cov thawj coj thiab cov vaj ntxwv, uas tau sau cov kev nplua nuj ntawm peb thaj av tau ntau pua xyoo.

Cov neeg sawv cev ntawm kab plaub yog nyob rau hauv daim duab peb sab. Lawv muag tawm, plundered thiab rhuav tshem lub hwj chim loj.

Lub rooj lavish yog ib puag ncig los ntawm lub ntsej muag paub zoo tas li tshwm sim hauv cov ntxaij vab tshaus TV thiab hauv xov xwm luam tawm. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws rau cov neeg no yog qhov uas tib neeg hu ua"feeder".

Ib tug hluas nkauj, zoo nkauj thiab nplua nuj hnav khaub ncaws nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua puv 19 yog hais txog nws lub teb chaws. Yav tas los US Thawj Tswj Hwm George W. Bush - lub cim ntawm Western kev ywj pheej - yog piav raws li ib tug qhuav qub vauv.

Tus nkauj nyab zoo li muaj kev cia siab ntawm lub tuam txhab me, uas suav nrog cov neeg hlub uas tseem muaj siab ntseeg rau lawv Niam. Lub ntsej muag ntawm tus sau ntawm txoj haujlwm yog twv hauv tus neeg ua haujlwm pabcuam rau cov neeg hlub.

About family life

Hais txog Bocharov tus poj niam - Galina Ivanovna, yug hauv 1954 - nws paub tias nws yog kawm tiav ntawm Krasnodar Art College, thiab tom qab ntawd State Art Institute. V. I. Surikov. Nws yog lub npe hu ua graphic artist thiab painter.

Ib tug ntawm Bocharovs cov menyuam - Alexander - tawm tsam hauv Afghanistan, qhov chaw nws raug tua. Ntxiv rau nws, 16 tus menyuam tau yug hauv tsev neeg.

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